My Boss’s Boss Called Me Out: I Half-assed this Whole Super Bowl Thing

My boss’s boss is a dude named Patrick Daugherty and he’s a pretty big deal where I work.  He’s a VP of something or other – not sure what, now that I think about it.  He’s such a big deal that he actually had the balls to call me out on supposedly “half-assing” this whole vote for the Super Bowl Turkey Sandwich thing.

After a meeting this week, he pulled me aside and said, “Did you get my comment on your blog?”  I said, “no.”  “Well, I left one and I think you really screwed the pooch on this one.  You call yourself a marketer and you give us these boring-ass, no theme Turkey Sandwiches to choose from?  I think it’s bullshit.  And on top of that, you never even mentioned in your post about Perry’s Deli.  I bought you that sandwich and that’s what I get?  Poor form, Stewart, poor form.”

He went on to point out that I could have had a New York Deli-style sandwich where I pile a shitload of Turkey on Rye.  Or I could have done a Turkey Sandwich with some roast beef bullshit like they do in Boston.  Or I could have done something with an Indianapolis theme – not that I even know what that could be – but he thought that would be a good idea.

The fact of the matter is that this is MY BLOG and I can do whatever the hell I want.  When it comes to Turkey Sandwiches, I don’t have to bow to some dude just because he has a couple letters before his name.  I’m the CEO of this bitch and can do whatever I want.

But I am gonna call this whole thing off because you people don’t know what you’re talking about.  The Philly Turkey Sandwich ran away with the voting and I don’t want to make that sandwich.  I’m gonna make that Queso Smothered Turkey Sandwich…Remember?  I’m CEO.

Here it is: Turkey Bowl 2011

A new tradition here on the Turkey Sandwich Report:  A special report on Super Bowl Sunday – or as we like to call it: The Turkey Bowl.

We went all out this year.  We ventured out in the snow to find the right bread, the right Turkey and the right toppings.  The result is a monstrosity of a Turkey Sandwich.  And let me tell you, we fucking killed it.  This is a crazy good Turkey Sandwich.  My only warning: be careful about over-toasting the bread.

Alright, Let’s do it. Here’s how you make it.